The “Dry Fog Dust Suppression System” works on the principle of agglomeration. The Dust particles released from a Material Handling/Processing Plant which become air borne are made to pass through a blanket of extremely fine water droplets (10-20μ).The micron size water droplets defy gravity and floats to form FOG and float over the dust source to form a blanket. The dust particles coming out with velocity from the source colloid with the micron size water droplets to get wet. The wet dust particles adhere to each other, thus increasing their mass and after a series of such collisions, even the breathable and fugitive dust ranging from 1 to 10 microns, agglomerates to become heavier enough to settle. The lower capital expense, low operating and maintenance cost compared to De-dusting Bag House System mad it popular in the industries. In most cases, the system can be installed while the plant operates at full capacity and no major plant modification is required for the system.